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Resources and References

Linda Nochlin
Women, Art and Power
Other Essays

Harper & Row
New York, 1988

Linda Nochlin, Representing Women, Thames and Hudson, New York, 1999. .jpg

Linda Nochlin
Representing Women 
Thames and Hudson
New York, 1999

Griselda Pollock
Vision and Difference. Feminism, Femininity and the Histories of Art

Routledge, New York,
London, 2003

Agnese De Donato
Via Ripetta 67
Al Ferro di Cavallo
pittori, scrittori e poeti nella libreria più bizzarra degli anni '60 a Roma  

Edizioni Dedalo, Bari, 2005

Malin Hedlin Hayden, Jessica Sjöholm Skrubbe
Feminisms is Still Our Name- Seven Essays on Historiography and Curatorial Practices 
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge, 2010

Julie Verlaine
Les galeries d’art contemporain à Paris. Une histoire culturelle du marché de l’art,
1944 - 1970

Publications de la Sorbonne, Paris, 2012

Germano Celant
Virgina Dwan and Dwan Gallery 
Skira, Milano, 2016

Lynn Catterson
Dealing Art on Both Sides of the Atlantic,
1860 - 1940

Brill, Leiden-Boston, 2017

Maria Quirk
Women, Art and Money in England, 1880-1914. The Hustle and the Scramble
Bloomsbury, London, 2019

Christel H. Force, ed.
Pioneers of the Global Art Market. Paris-Based Dealers Networks,
1850 - 1950

Bloomsbury Publishing, Bloomsbury, 2020

Kathryn Brown, ed.
The Routledge Companion to Digital Humanities and Art History 
New York, Routledge, 2020

Derouet, Christian and Nadine Lehni, eds. Jeanne Bucher une galerie d’avant-garde 1925-194

Christian Derouet and Nadine Lehni, eds. Jeanne Bucher une galerie d’avant-garde 1925-1946. De Max Ernst à de Staël, exh. cat. Les Musées de la ville de Strasbourg, Paris: Skira, 1994


Julie Verlaine and Christian Briend, eds.
20 galeries du 20e siècle, France 1905-1970, Cahiers du Musée national d’art moderne, hors-série 2020
Éditions du Centre Pompidou, Paris, 2020

Pow! Right in the Eye!.jpg

Berthe Weill
Pow! Right in the Eye!
Thirty Years Behind the Scenes of Modern French Painting
The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2022

A Reminiscence of Virginia Zabriskie, an Important and Undersung Art Dealer.JPG

Bruce Altshuler
A Reminiscence of Virginia Zabriskie, an Important and Undersung Art Dealer
Hyperallergic, 2019

Two Women Patrons of the Russian Avant Garde.jpg

Natalia Murray and Natalia Budanova
Two Women Patrons of the Russian Avant-Garde: Nadezhda Dobychina and Klavdia Mikhailova
Unicorn Publish Group, East Sussex, 2021


André Breton
Le Cadavre exquis :
son exaltation

Galerie Nina Dausset,
Paris, 1948

Living with Art Holly Solomon.jpg

Holly Solomon &
Alexandra Anderson
Living With Art
Rizzoli International Publications, Inc.
New York, 1988

Ombline Damis Galerie Françoise Mayer l’art de démocratiser l’Art in Collect 2022 (FR).jpg

Ombline Damis « Galerie Françoise Mayer : l’art de démocratiser l’Art »
in Collect, n°517, Eté 2022, pp.30-33.
© COLLECT Arts Antiques Auctions, 2022 - Tous droits réservés

David Nolan Gallery exh. cat.
Kornblee, Jackson, Saidenberg, and Ward
Art Dealers on Madison Avenue in the 1960s

David Nolan Gallery,
New York
Sept. 8 to Oct. 22, 2022

Claudia Herstatt
Women Gallerists in the 20th and 21st Centuries

Hatje Cantz Verlag, 2008

Marianne Le Morvan
Berthe Weill
1865 - 1951

La petite galeriste des grands artistes

L'Ecarlate, Orleans, 2011

Agathe Gaillard
Mémoires d'une Galerie 
Gallimard, Paris, 2013

Laura Iamurri
Un margine che sfugge. Carla Lonzi e l'arte in Italia (1955 - 1970)

Quodlibet, Macerata, 2016

Elio Grazioli, ed.
Io sono Carla Pellegrini. Storia della Galleria Milano e di tutto quello che mi è piaciuto fare
A+mbookstore, Milano, 2018

Raffaella Perna
Arte, fotografia e femminismo in Italia negli anni Settanta

Postmedia Books, Milano, 2019

Claartje Rasterhoff, Sandra van Ginhoven, eds.
Art Markets and Digital Histories
MDPI, Basel, 2020

Cristina Casero
Gesti di rivolta, Arte, fotografia, femminismo a Milano 1975-1980

Società per l'enciclopedia delle donne, Milano, 2020

Cristina Casero, ed.
Gesti di rivolta, Arte, fotografia, femminismo a Fotografia e femminismo nell'Italia degli anni Settanta - Rispecchiamento, indagine critica e testimonianza
Postmedia Books, Milano, 2021

Denise Vernerey-Laplace and Helene Ivanoff, eds. Les Artistes et leurs galeries Paris-Berl

Denise Vernerey-Laplace and Helene Ivanoff, eds. Les Artistes et leurs galeries Paris-Berlin, 1900-1950, vol. 1, Paris Presses Universitaire de Rouen et du Havre,
Mont-Saint-Aignan, 2019

The Women Who Shaped Modern Art in Britain.jpg

James Scott
The Women Who Shaped Modern Art in Britain
Unicorn Publishing Group, East Sussex, 2021


Dianne Sachko Macleod
Enchanted Lives, Enchanted Objects - American Women Collectors and the Making of Culture
1800 - 1940

University of California Press, Berkeley, 2008

Pamela Fletcher,
Anne Helmreich, eds.
The Rise of the Modern Art Market in London, 1850 - 1939 
Manchester University Press, Manchester,
New York, 2011

Julie Verlaine
Femmes collectionneuses d'art et mécènes, de 1880 à nos jours

Éditions Hazan, Vanves, 2013

Doris Wintgens
Peggy Guggenheim and Nelly Van Doesburg. Advocates of De Stijl
Nai Uitgevers Pub, Rotterdam, 2017

Ilaria Schiaffini, Vittoria Caterina Caratozzolo, Claudio Zambianchi, eds.
Irene Brin, Gaspero del Corso e la Galleria L'Obelisco

Drago, Roma, 2018

Catherine D'Ignazio, Lauren F. Klein
Data Feminism
The MIT Press,
London - Cambridge, 2020

Lynn Catterson
 Florence, Berlin and Beyond-Late Nineteenth-Century Art Markets and Their Social Networks

Brill, Leiden-Boston, 2020

Le opere e gli archiv Mara Coccia e Daniela Ferraria.jpg

Francesca Gallo, Ilaria Bernardi, eds., Mara Coccia and
Daniela Ferraria
 Le opera e gli archivi
- Works and Archives
Silvana Editoriale, Cinisello Balsamo, 2020

iris_clert Microspective.jpg

Stéphanie Airaud and Vassili Clert, eds.
Iris Clert - Microspective, exh. cat.
Musée d’art moderne et contemporain de Strasbourg, Strasbourg,
Nov. 2003 - Feb. 2004

Denise Vernerey-Laplace and Helene Ivanoff, eds. Les Artistes et leurs galeries Paris-Berl

Denise Vernerey-Laplace and Helene Ivanoff, eds. Les Artistes et leurs galeries Paris-Berlin, 1900-1950, vol. 2, Berlin
Presses Universitaire de Rouen et du Havre,
Mont-Saint-Aignan, 2019

Profile Beatrice Judd Ryan.JPG

Henry Martin
Profile: Beatrice Judd Ryan

Artspace Editors
Dealer Betty Parsons Pioneered Male Abstract Expressionists—But Who Were the Unrecognized Women Artists She Exhibited?
Artspace, 2017

Margo Leavin and Shaun Caley Regen
LA Gallery History: Part 1 of Margo Leavin in Conversation with Shaun Caley Regen

Painting By Numbers.jpg

Margo Leavin and Shaun Caley Regen
LA Gallery History: Part 2 of Margo Leavin in Conversation with Shaun Caley Regen


Diana Seave Greenwald
Painting by Numbers:
Data-Driven Histories of Nineteenth-Century Art

Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2021

Denise rene, l'intrepide Jean-Paul Ameline

Jean-Paul Ameline and Véronique Wiesinger, eds.
Denise rene, l'intrepide: une galerie dans l'aventure de l'art abstrait. 1944-1978
Editions du Centre Pompidou, Paris, 2001

Anouk Chambard
Un élément de l'histoire des lieux alternatifs d'art parisiens : Le Lieu-Dit, un espace d'exposition féministe
Journal de l'Université d’été de la Bibliothèque Kandinsky, n. 6+7, 2021

Grand Femmes Petits Formats cover.jpg
Iris Clert L'astre ambigu de l'avant-garde.jpeg

Clément Dirié
Iris Clert L'astre ambigu de l'avant-garde
Les éditions Hermann
Paris, 2021

Women Gallerists of Post-war Paris.JPG

Hanina Fine Arts exh. cat.
Women Gallerists of
Post-War Paris

Hanina Fine Arts
London, 2020

Toni Maraini, Topazia Alliata. Una Galleria d'arte con vista sul mondo
De Luca Editori d'Arte, Roma2022

Grand Femmes Petits Formats cover.jpg

Iris Clert
Grand Femmes
Petits Formats

Paris, 1974

The Stable wasn't 'just another gallery'_Paul Gardner_1.jpg

Paul Gardner
"The Stable wasn't 'just another gallery'"
ARTnews, vol. 18, no. 5,
May, 1982, p. 108

Ombline Damis Galerie Françoise Mayer Gangmaker in het hart van de Kunst in Collect (NL).j

Ombline Damis « Galerie Françoise Mayer : Gangmaker in het hart van de Kunst »
in Collect, n°517, Zomer 2022, pp.30-33.
© COLLECT Arts Antiques Auctions, 2022 - Alle rechten voorbehouden


Véronique Chagnon-Burke, Caterina Toschi, eds., Women Art Dealers. Creating Markets for Modern Art 1940-1990
Bloomsbury, London, 2024

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