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List of Links to Archives Holding Records of Women Art Dealers
Archivio di Stato
Florence, Italy
Carte Fiamma Vigo - Numero
Quadrante Gallery by Matilde Giorgini records**
Bibliotheque Kandinsky,
Centre Pompidou
Paris, France
Fonds Gallerie Lara Vincy
Denise René records**
Center for Creative Photography, University of Arizona
Phoenix, Arizona
Museum für Gestaltung Zürich
Archiv Zürcher Hochschule der Künste
Fundación Espigas
Buenos Aries, Argentina
Fondo Galería Saber Vivir
Julia Lubin records**
Carmen Waugh records**
Ruth Benzacar records**
Getty Research Institute
Los Angeles, California (USA)
Italian Art
Cold Spring, New York (USA)
Margherita Stein Archive**
MUAC Centro de Documentación
Mexico City
of American Art
Washington, DC (USA)
The Fales Library and
Special Collections, New York University
New York City, NY (USA)
Zentralarchiv des Internationalen Kunsthandels
University of
Cologne, Germany
Galerie Anita Beckers records**
Galerie Annelie Brusten records**
Galerie Barbara Gross records
Galerie Christel Schüppenhauer records
Galerie Der Spiegel records
Galerie Dorothea Loehr records
Galerie Eva Poll records**
Galerie Gaby Kraushaar records
Galerie Hennemann records
Galerie Hella Nebelung records
Galerie Inge Baecker records
Galerie Six Friedrich records
Galerie Susanne Zander records
Jeane von Oppenheim, TransArt Kunstberatung GmbH records**
Kunsthandel Klefisch records**
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